I am always encouraging contributors to write about the things that scare them; the things they don’t want to write about. Today it’s my turn and I’m taking my own advice. I was recently asked to contribute to a book about adoption.  It was requested I write about the possibleRead More →

Hilarious. I’m heading down the ramp to my flight terminal and walk past the Boston Beer Works sign. My first thought? Ugh, That would be nice right now. What? I’m on my way to California to see the Ellen Show because of Sober Mommies and I’m thinking about drinking?? WhoRead More →

When I was five years sober,  I hit an emotional bottom. I was still making terrible decisions and no longer had an intoxication defense to justify them. I found myself unable to look in the mirror sober, because I didn’t appreciate the reflection. Other than the inability to drown my sorrowsRead More →