I woke up this morning before the sun came up. I felt excited about the day and a part of me couldn’t wait until the kids were up so we could start it. I knew where I was, and my car was parked exactly where I remember leaving it. AsRead More →

I’ve always been a fan of gratitude lists, even when I’ve been a total slacker. I belong to an email list with other women in recovery and it’s so nice to send and receive lists, especially when I’m feeling fearful and/or entitled to something other than what God has givenRead More →

Powerlessness: Merriam-Webster defines it as “.. having no power: unable to do something or to stop something.” That sounds about right, although my personal definition might be more along the lines of “The suckiest thing ever.” I am a control freak by nature. It’s one of the many defects of myRead More →

I started blogging in December of 2012 suffering in silence thanks to a case of postpartum depression. I was having trouble leaving the house by myself, and struggling to connect with friends and family. I was afraid of how I was feeling, but more afraid to admit it to theRead More →

I got sober when my daughter was four. Truth be told, I hadn’t seen her in months before that. It became clear when she was three and a half, (through an event that I may share later), that I could not pull off being a full-time mommy and drink theRead More →