My name is Shanna. I have been sober since September 27th, 2012 and am relatively new to sobriety. I would love to tell you that recovery has given me back all that I “lost” throughout my drinking, but that is not the case. What sobriety has given me, is theRead More →

When I was five years sober,  I hit an emotional bottom. I was still making terrible decisions and no longer had an intoxication defense to justify them. I found myself unable to look in the mirror sober, because I didn’t appreciate the reflection. Other than the inability to drown my sorrowsRead More →

I’ve been sick with some kind of cold/flu garbage, on and off, for almost a month. Nothing serious, but still requiring OTC medicines to alleviate symptoms. Never am I more aware of the disease of addiction than when I am sick. That beast is lurking; waiting for a tiny crackRead More →